Border Boys interview Peter Kirsten

Border Boys caught up with Ambassador Peter Kirsten for an exclusive interview. This four part interview gives a great insight into Kirsy and his career. We covered a number of

Pete’s Point

Border Boys will be hosting a new podcast series with Border Boys ambassador Peter Kirsten. Over the coming weeks Kirsy will producing a number of short podcasts where he will

Border Boys interview Brenden Fourie

Border Boys caught up with Ambassador Brenden Fourie in April 2023 for an exclusive interview. Brenden gave us some excellent insight into his playing career, speaking about his cricketing highlights,

Peter Kirsten Joins Border Boys

What a great day for us as the legendary Peter Kirsten signs up as a Border Boys ambassador.

Border Boys were in touch with Kirsy at the start of 2023 and floated the idea and concept of Border Boys past him with the aim of him becoming our second ambassador.

Brenden Fourie Joins Border Boys

Border Boys reached out to Brenden Fourie in October 2022 in hope the he would become our very first ambassador. Brenden is deeply rooted in the Border region and spent many years in East London and he is the type of person we were looking for in a Border Boys ambassador.