Border Boys interview Brenden Fourie!

Border Boys caught up with Ambassador Brenden Fourie in April 2023 for an exclusive interview.

Brenden gave us some excellent insight into his playing career, speaking about his cricketing highlights, club cricket in East London and his views on the Border brown playing shirt during the Benson and Hedges series in the 1990’s.

Brenden recalls bowling to Jimmy Cook at the Wanderers in his early career and speaks about a number of fellow cricketers that he came across during his time at Border including Ian Howell, Peter Kirsten and Brian McMillan.

Brenden was a great sport during our interview, answering a number of random questions and confirming that Friesland do in fact make the best milkshakes!

Brenden also received a surprise message from fellow Ambassador Peter Kirsten and we get to the bottom of who Captain Grumpy really is. 

Part 2/3 of the Brenden Fourie interview is available below.

Part 1

In part 1, get to know who Border Boys ambassador Brenden Fourie really is.  A three part interview offering a great insight into some little known facts about Brenden and his experiences through his playing career. Brenden answers some interesting questions and shows why he is a “solid citizen”.

Part 2

In part 2, Brenden speaks about club cricket in East London, fellow players Pieter Strydom, Ian Howell, Brian McMillan, Peter Kirsten and Kepler Wessels.  Brenden also shares his most embarrassing cricket moment, gives his views on the Border Brown B&H shirt and shares a funny changeroom moment.

Part 3

In this final episode,  Brenden receives a surprise voice message from fellow Border Boys ambassador Peter Kirsten and gets to the bottom of who “Captain Grumpy” really is.  Brenden also speaks about his best Buffalo Park moment, his favourite places in East London and tells us why he became a Border Boys ambassador.  Meyrick Pringle and Kenny Watson also receive a mention.

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