
our ambassadors

We were excited to approach Brenden and Peter about being Ambassadors for Border Boys as they hold and share our values and heritage. They’re both rooted in the Border region, having grown up and contributed to the region for many years. Their impact and influence within the Border community has resonated with many locals and the impact they have had to the region is indelible. 

Both Brenden and Peter agreed to the Ambassadorship as the Border Boys’ core values personally resonated with them. The community and “togetherness” of people from the Border region in South Africa was familiar to both Ambassadors. Keen to foster new memories and friendships over a braai with a beer after a great game of cricket was a call too great for Brenden and Peter to resist.

A big thank you to Brenden and Peter for their support of Border Boys and we look forward to their future involvement at functions and sporting events.